Mother and Son Share Special Bond And Kidney reports on the story of Harrison Schaufer, the recipient of a donor kidney at 22 months old, and his mother Annelise, his living donor. A patient at UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital San Francisco since birth, Harrison, and his mother have attended the annual UCSF Pediatric Transplant Picnic annually. This year Harrison was asked to speak at the event.
Harrison Schaufel never shies away from the spotlight, so when he was invited to give a speech about his experiences as a kidney transplant recipient, he couldn’t refuse.
Schaufel’s story is nothing short of extraordinary. Born premature with end-stage kidney disease, he went on dialysis as an infant and received a donor kidney at 22 months old. Today, Schaufel, 14, is preparing for his freshman year at Justin-Siena High School, but keeping his health in check is always his top priority. His mother, Annelise, makes sure of it; after all, she’s the one who donated the kidney.
“My mom gave me a kidney,” Harrison said. “First she gives me life and then she gives me one of her kidneys. I owe it to her and myself to take extra good care of myself.”
“I’m a mom, of course I worry,” said Annelise, “but he’s a great kid. We make sure he eats right, gets plenty of fluids and rest. It’s what you’d want for any teenager, but with Harrison we’re always on guard.”.......
Harrison has been under the watchful eye of the staff at UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital San Francisco since birth. He attends the annual UCSF Pediatric Transplant Picnic each year and said being asked to speak at this year’s event was an honor..........
Marilyn McEnhill, UCSF Pediatric Transplant Program nurse practitioner, asked Harrison to speak at the event, which was held earlier this month at McNear’s Beach Park in San Rafael. She said Harrison was the perfect source of inspiration for kids who are just starting their transplant journey.
“I’ve known Harrison since he was a little thing,” McEnhill said. “I first met him in the dialysis clinic when he was about 6 months old and I saw him through his transplant and his routine visits. I’ve watched him grow up. He’s starting high school soon. It’s hard to believe, but I couldn’t be happier. He’s such a fighter.”