James Koh, PhD, was awarded $3.8 million over five years (2023-2028) by the NIH as the principal investigator
James Koh PhD was awarded $3.8 million over five years (2023-2028) by the NIH as the principal investigator for an R01 grant examining calcium metabolism and the connection between the vitamin D receptors, beta-amyloid peptide signaling and hyperparathyroidism. Because hyperparathyroidism disproportionately affects the elderly and causes a spectrum of clinical problems like bone density loss that are particularly burdensome to this vulnerable population, effective treatment strategies are urgently needed. Upon successful completion of the project, we will understand how the vitamin D receptor and amyloid peptides affect hormonal pathways essential for regulating calcium levels in the body. Results from this work will open new avenues for therapeutic intervention to restore and maintain normal bone and mineral health in the elderly.